Hidden Florence

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ah, Firenze!  Located in the Tuscan region of Italy, this ancient city was a center of trade, finance, and culture in medieval times.  Home to the Medici family, whose power and control over the region began in the mid-15th century, Florence is …Continue Reading

Introduction to Copyright Tutorial Video

Reading Time: < 1 minute Are you starting on a research project where you know you are going to include some material created by someone else?  Or including copyright content in your thesis or dissertation? The library has a new tutorial video that gives an introduction to …Continue Reading


Reading Time: < 1 minute After several months of diligent work, USF Library Digital Scholarship Services unveiled the Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program (ELAPP) Oral History Collection on Thursday October 12th, 2017. This collection features audio interviews and transcripts from many of the founders, partners, and …Continue Reading

Robert Porter Allen, Savior of the Whooping Crane

Reading Time: 2 minutes The world is at our fingertips, and we are awash with information. This exciting experience can become a predicament when quality resources are required and time is short. There is so much “stuff” returned with a search string. If the building is …Continue Reading

Tools Intro – Tiki-Toki

Reading Time: 2 minutes Digital storytelling, text analysis, data visualization, online exhibits, web scraping, etc. All of these are some of the ways in which digital humanists, digital social scientists, digital scientists – let’s just call them digital-ists – collect, process, analysis, and disseminate their research. …Continue Reading

Voyant Tools

Reading Time: 3 minutes Voyant Tools is a web-based text reading and analysis platform designed to help scholars and students with both macroscopic and microscopic analysis of textual works. It was designed by Stefan Sinclair (McGill University) and Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta) and is open-source …Continue Reading

What Jane Saw

Reading Time: 2 minutes As more collections are digitized or born-digital and as new tools are developed for collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating scholars’ work, we have a multitude of opportunities to experience scholarship in new ways.  Each month, “Across the Academy” will, in the hopes …Continue Reading

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