USF Curiosities: Chariot races?

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When you think of student activities on our campuses, what comes to mind?

Basketball games, charity drives, bake sales, jogging, walking with friends, maybe lunches on the lawn…

But…. what about chariot races?


Yes, you read that correctly. Chariot races. In 1966, the Tampa Times reported that the opening of Greek Week, the “Festival of Dionysus,” was full of last-minute preparations for the chariot race, including lighthearted “sabotage” attempts by rival participants. Before the race commenced, the chariots were on display the day before the race (and thus, easily accessible by would-be saboteurs!) before they were judged on originality by selected faculty members.

USF Digital Collections, USF Photograph Collection, “Chariot Race At USF” (1965; U10-00077)
USF Digital Collections, “The Tampa Times” (March 28, 1966; T39-19660328)


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