Publishers take ResearchGate to Court Claiming Massive Copyright Infringement

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Science reports that scholarly publishing giants Elsevier and the American Chemical Society (ACS) have filed a lawsuit in Germany against ResearchGate, a popular academic networking site, alleging copyright infringement on a mass scale. The move comes after a larger group of publishers became dissatisfied with ResearchGate’s response to a request to alter its article-sharing practices.

U.S. Public Schools Have Lost Nearly 20% of Their Librarians Since 2000

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A recent Forbes report indicates that from 1999-2016 public schools lost 19% of full time equivalent school librarians, according to a School Library Journal article that offered data on the topic from the National Center for Education Statistics. The most dramatic drop was occurred during the Great Recession of 2008 and has not recovered since. Studies have shown that school libraries and librarians have a positive impact on literacy and student success.

Books Save Lives Reception October 11th

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Hear award-winning author Alex Flinn at the “Books Save Lives” Reception on October 11, 2018 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the USF Alumni Center. In addition to Ms. Flinn’s talk, you will have the opportunity to bid on autographed young adult books, posters, …Continue Reading

Impact: Library Tools for Promotion and Tenure

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The USF Tampa Library’s Impact Guide will help scholars find all the tools for journal rankings, identifying an author’s cited references, and ways candidates for promotion and tenure can highlight the quality of their publications.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

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Digital Scholarship Services has digitized a selection of material from USF Tampa Library’s Special Collections in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. Included in our celebration are a couple of pieces of sheet music and five zarzuelas. For a detailed list of the material that has been digitized, see the post written by Copyright Librarian LeEtta Schmidt on the Digital Dialogues blog about it.


Investigating Suspicious Publishers

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Recently I got a flattering letter from someone named “Florance” who represented the journal Educational Research Applications. She told me that if I contributed a manuscript by August 30th I’d get a discount on the publication fee which would amount to 1560$. Say what? That’s real sticker shock if we are talking about $1,560. Click farther into this post to see some of the strategies used for further investigation strategies for this journal.