What is an ORCID iD and why do I need one?

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ORCID is an open, non-profit, publisher-agnostic community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers as well as a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. ORCID, which stands for “open researcher and contributor identifier”, is unique in its ability …Continue Reading

Featured E-Book: Gender Diversity and Sport

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This timely and urgent e-book,  Gender Diversity and Sport by Gemma Witcomb and Elizabeth Peel, presents cutting-edge research exploring the complexities of barriers to inclusive access to sport and physical activity, and discusses how sport, and society, can move forward beyond the …Continue Reading

Library Hours During Break

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Not sure about library hours over break? This Web page offers hours for all three campuses if you are planning a visit.

Expanding the Literature Review for Social Sciences

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You know the basics—the library catalog, the databases in your discipline and many of the tools you have used habitually for your coursework and basic projects, but now you want to go deeper, either because you are getting ready to write your …Continue Reading

Women’s History Month Collections

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At the Tampa campus library, a selection of materials, including books and DVDs, related to women’s history are on display at the front of the library and available for checkout. Titles range from Women’s History in Global Perspective to Maya Angelou’s Letter to …Continue Reading

10 Things to Do When Getting a Publishing Contract

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Guest post by by LeEtta Schmidt, Copyright and Intellectual Property Librarian, and Jason Boczar, Digital Scholarship and Publishing Librarian  Read it thoroughly.  This includes any click through agreement that might be part of a journal manuscript submission system.    Talk with your co-authors.  …Continue Reading