Category: E-Resources Update

COVID support from SAGE videos

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Since preservice teachers cannot go into the schools to do field work and observe teachers in the classroom the SAGE videos collection in education can allow students to observe through videos. This collection which is only available for the next 90 days, …Continue Reading

Academic Writer Update

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Good news! APA Style has been updated in Academic Writer with the 7th edition of the Publication Manual.  Students need not purchase it since it is available full text in Academic Writer though the library.

Sage Research Methods Database

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The SAGE Research Methods database includes a comprehensive collection of resources related to research methods with more than 1,000 books (such as Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series) reference works, journal articles and instructional videos to guide users about various research …Continue Reading

The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual is out this month.

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APA’s Academic Writer has announced that new features are on their way to help instructors teach, and students master, APA Style. Along with these new features, Academic Writer will be updated to match the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th …Continue Reading

Mellon/NEH Funded Project to Create Digital Open Access Books

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The  first 100 open access books were launched this week on the Project MUSE platform as a result of funding provided by the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  The project to disseminate scholarship,  particularly in the humanities, has …Continue Reading

Library of Congress Launches Website on the Constitution

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The U.S. Constitution is very much a part of the current political dialogue right now and the new Library of Congress website, Constitution Annotated, provides an authoritative source for how the Supreme Court has interpreted this governing document for our nation. With …Continue Reading

Featuring Psychiatry Online

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Psychiatry Online offers comprehensive online access to psychiatric textbooks, journals and professional development tools. This all-in-one virtual library provides full text access to such tools as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and a collection of books, journals, APA Guidelines published by the American Psychological Association.

Changes to Kanopy Streaming Video Service

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Funds ($90k) allocated in 2018-19 to support unlimited Kanopy streaming video viewing have been expended. Alternative funds have been allocated to support new Kanopy streaming video content required by faculty for course use. Currently licensed videos will remain active through their annual expiration date. Please see our list of licensed video content at Streaming Video Collections and Databases or through the USF Libraries Catalog.

APA Style Central Name Change

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APA Style Central, the product from the library that includes the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association full text, is now called Academic Writer. For instructions on how to access the Manual from Academic Writer, click here.