Five Things You Need to Know about Course Reserves

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1. Requesting items for course reserves is done through Canvas. Click here for instructions. 2. Items do not stay on reserve through the year. You will need to renew your request every semester for each individual item you need in your course. …Continue Reading

Resources for Distance Learners

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The library can support student success even at a distance for those enrolled in online courses. The video in this post, “Resources for Distance Learners” that outlines what the library can do for students. Your librarian can also embed instructional modules and tutorials for your students to help guide them through the use of the library and its e-resources. We also have an online guide for distance students.

“Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria”: And Other Conversations about Race

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This class bestselling e-book on the psychology of racism is now fully revised and updated. Author Beverly Daniel Tatum asserts that we do not know how to talk about racial differences. Tatum presents strong evidence that straight talk about our racial identities–whatever they may be–is essential for communicating across racial and ethnic divides.

Think, Check, Attend

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Just as there are predatory journals where scholars pay to get published while getting very little in the way of improving their publication record, there are conferences that are touted as scholarly but are actually misleading, exaggerated or fake in their reputability. This new site Think, Check, Attend offers thoughtful guidance on trusting a conference to attend and present your research. The checklist asks researchers if they are familiar with sponsors of the conference, its venue, reputation, etc.

Bill Gates’s Gift to College Graduates–Factfulness

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Factfulness, written by the late global-health expert Hans Rosling, is a free online book to all U.S. college graduates from Bill Gates. It is one of his favorite books. To get a copy of the book, users must sign up for it or become a member of Gates Notes Insider. Click here if you are interested.

Library Hours During Break and Summer Sessions

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During break library hours will change. Saturday, May 5, the library will be open 10am-6pm and Sunday, May 6 the library will be open 12pm-6pm. During the week the library will be open 8am-5pm. Starting May 14th, summer hours are from 7:30 am-12am Mon-Thursday.  If you need to check library hours, click here.

11 Essential Reads for Autism Awareness Month

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April is Autism Awareness Month and this blog post offers some excellent reviews and reading recommendations for books about autism.