Celebrating the Public Domain: 19 in 2019

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In June of 2018 the library posted a list of items just coming into the public domain that can be digitized by the USF Tampa Library. We asked our community to vote for what they most would like to see digitized. The list of newly digitized items from the project is available through this post in Digital Directions. We would like to continue this on an annual basis. Here is a list of possible titles for our 2020 digitization and we would like your help narrowing it down. Vote for your favorites here:



Featuring Psychiatry Online

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Psychiatry Online offers comprehensive online access to psychiatric textbooks, journals and professional development tools. This all-in-one virtual library provides full text access to such tools as the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and a collection of books, journals, APA Guidelines published by the American Psychological Association.

Academic Writer Guide

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The USF Tampa Library has created a guide to Academic Writer, a web-based application providing interactive tools to help students and faculty learn and apply APA Style. It features point of need quick guides and video tutorials. It also includes all of the content from the APA Publication Manual full text so students need not purchase it as a requirement for their courses. The platform includes sample materials (references, papers, tables and figures), self-quizzes and tests that can assist in the teaching of APA Style.

ATLE’s Summer Teaching Symposium on May 8-9

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ATLE’s signature event returns for 2019! Our two day event Summer Teaching Symposium (STS) will take place on May 8-9, 2019. This year’s title is “Teaching: The Next Generation,” where we will investigate:

  • How do we reach today’s Gen Z student?
  • How can we improve teamwork in our courses?
  • How can we incorporate critical thinking and creative problem solving?
  • How can we enhance student communication skills?
  • How do we develop globally and culturally competent thinkers?

Our goal is to shape students’ success beyond the classroom and into the workplace of the future.

There’s always a “fun” theme too – this year will be Star Trek. Register now: https://usf.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dgyn44u5FTEBAZT

Researchers are Questioning the Use of the Concept of “Grit.”

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In a recent article, Jill Barshay reports on several studies published in peer-reviewed journals in the past two years that have identified problems with the notion of grit. Angela Duckworth, who wrote a best-selling book on the concept describes “grit” as a combination of perseverence and passion and how important it is for academic success. Image credit.

Can Book Piracy Be Stopped?

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The problem of illegally downloaded books is a growing one. This article in The Guardian discusses this trend.

Join Us for Francisco Stork’s Presentation on February 7, 2019

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he USF Libraries and Dr. Joan Kaywell invite you to the presentation of the Joan F. Kaywell Books Save Lives Award to recipient Francisco Stork, author of Memory of Light on Thursday, February 7, 2019 from 1:30-3:30 PM at the USF Alumni Center, Traditions Hall. Book signing to follow. Light refreshments will be served.