A recent report by the AFT, A Decade of Neglect, outlines the effects of austerity agendas and disinvestment in public schools that has sparked a wave of teacher walkouts and shortages around the country. See also the video highlighting the main points of the report.
The EdLib Report
Featured E-book: The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread
The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread by Cailin O”Connor, outline in their new book that social dynamics of “alternative facts” influences what people believe and that depend on who they know. Authors explore why demonstrably false beliefs persist and spread despite bad, even fatal, consequences for the people who hold them.
Featured E-Resource: TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
The USF Libraries has acquired an award-winning online encyclopedia, the TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, edited by USF Associate Professor of ESOL, John Liontas. To learn more about this eight-volume work, click here.
Podcast: The Crisis of Predatory Publishers Sucking the Blood of Science
Science journalist John Bohannon was shocked by the results of his sting operation to expose predatory publishers. Academic librarian Jeffrey Beall found himself threatened with a billion-dollar lawsuit and much more when he published a black list of predatory journals. He believes …Continue Reading
Starbuck’s Undergoing Renovations this Summer
In case you haven’t been to the library lately, Starbuck’s is being renovated. The library still has a Starbuck’s kiosk in the lobby where you can buy your favorite brew, but the store itself is closed and there is no seating. It …Continue Reading
Kanopy: Not Just Like Netflix, and Not Free
In February of 2019, the USF Libraries scaled back their support of Kanopy streaming video service due to insufficient funds. The service had been purchased through technology fees that had expired in 2019. The blog post about it is here. In a recent …Continue Reading
Tips for Teaching Students “What to Learn” and “How to Learn” During Lectures
Tiffany Culver’s article from Faculty Focus offers some great ideas about helping students learn and retain new material. She bases her techniques on Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel.
Why Education Graduate Students Do Not Need to Buy the APA Publication Manual
If you have listed the APA Publication Manual on your syllabus, you might want to remove it as a required item because it is contained full text in the product Academic Writer through the USF Libraries. Below is a video about Academic Writer and how to access the full text of the Publication Manual.
Library Hours
USF Tampa Library Hours are posted on this page if you need to refer to them during the break or over the summer. Weekday intercession hours begin on Friday, May 3rd and end on May 18 (generally 7:30 AM to 6 PM except on weekends). Once summer session begins the library will be open daily from 7:30 AM to midnight Sunday-Thursday and until 6 PM on the weekends.
Featured E-book: Queer Adolescent Literature
Queer Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the English Language Arts Curriculum, by Joan Kaywell (2018), offers guided instructional approaches for including queer-themed young adult literature in language arts. Each chapter highlights one YA novel and offers activities that guide students to a deeper understanding of the content. Image credit