Author’s Alliance Zine on AI and Authorship

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The Author’s Alliance has recently released a zine on the intersection of author rights, fair use and AI, and how authors can promote progress with AI:  There is an introductory blog post for the zine here:

USF Tampa Library Pride Display

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Every month, the USF Tampa Library talented staff creates a display (see pictures in this post) based on themes for that month. This month, we have a display in honor of Pride Month featuring books, DVDs and other resources   available for …Continue Reading

LGBTQ+ Pride Month Resources from

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In honor of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, wants to make sure teachers have the tools they need to uplift and support LGBTQ+ students. To support their efforts, we’ve recently bundled this toolkit of helpful guides to help teachers create inclusive learning environments that promote acceptance. These …Continue Reading

July Workshops for Researchers

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In July we will be offering some basic online workshops, many of them for transfer students and beginning undergraduates at USF.  On July 2nd from 11 AM-12 PM, we offer Strategies and Tools for Productivity in College and Beyond.  On July 3rd …Continue Reading

Featured Workshop: Creating Research Posters & Presentations

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The USF Libraries has several badging, asynchronous workshops for students, workshops that offer them data and information literacy skills that include everything from  how to cite their sources with APA to how to evaluate their sources. One such workshop is Creating Posters …Continue Reading