You are invited to come meet and greet with award recipient Sandra Uwiringiyimana author of How Dare the Sun Rise: Memoirs of a War Child on Thursday, February 6, 2020 from 4-6 pm at the USF Alumni Center–Traditions Hall. Click here to …Continue Reading
The EdLib Report
Sage Research Methods Database
The SAGE Research Methods database includes a comprehensive collection of resources related to research methods with more than 1,000 books (such as Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series) reference works, journal articles and instructional videos to guide users about various research …Continue Reading
Featured E-book: The Creative Qualitative Researcher
The Creative Qualitative Researcher: Writing That Makes Readers Want to Read by Ronald J. Pelias (Routledge), discusses the concept of “creative scholarship, which asks researchers to use literary skills to evoke the emotional/intellectual complexity of the subject matter. Four qualitative methods are …Continue Reading
The Algorithm Study–Project Information Literacy
This report from Project Information Literacy, presents findings about how college students conceptualize online information and navigate platforms that filter content and collect personal data. Offered here is a snapshot of how student conduct class research and everyday life information seeking and …Continue Reading
The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual is out this month.
APA’s Academic Writer has announced that new features are on their way to help instructors teach, and students master, APA Style. Along with these new features, Academic Writer will be updated to match the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th …Continue Reading
Featured E-Book: The Importance of Philosophy in Teacher Education
The importance of philosophy in teacher education : mapping the decline and its consequences edited by Andrew D. Colgan and Bruce Maxwell, discusses the gradual decline as a major part of educational studies. Chapters address how this decline has impacted teacher education …Continue Reading
Free Speech Controversies on Campus
PEN America has published a Campus Free Speech Guide aimed at offering help to students and educators navigate free speech-related conflicts and controversies on college campuses. The guide includes advice for students facing hate speech, campus protests, and harassment including advice about: …Continue Reading
Mellon/NEH Funded Project to Create Digital Open Access Books
The first 100 open access books were launched this week on the Project MUSE platform as a result of funding provided by the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project to disseminate scholarship, particularly in the humanities, has …Continue Reading
Library of Congress Launches Website on the Constitution
The U.S. Constitution is very much a part of the current political dialogue right now and the new Library of Congress website, Constitution Annotated, provides an authoritative source for how the Supreme Court has interpreted this governing document for our nation. With …Continue Reading