USF Libraries is excited to announce the launch of our new Broader Impacts Team. The Broader Impacts Team advances faculty scholarship and research at USF by deploying specialized services designed to enhance research impact, education, and community engagement. Consultation with the Broader Impacts …Continue Reading
The EdLib Report
Tampa Library Renovations Begin
Changes are underway at the USF Libraries. The Tampa library building, opened in 1961, is undergoing a major renovation to its front entrance that will ensure a secure and comfortable experience for patrons and staff alike. Renovations begin in late November and …Continue Reading
Featured E-Book: A Pedagogy of Kindness
A Pedagogy of Kindness, by Catherine Denial, articulates a fresh vision for teaching, one that focuses on ensuring justice, believing people, and believing in people. Offering evidence-based insights and drawing from her own rich experiences as a professor, Denial offers practical tips …Continue Reading
Featured E-Resource: Statista
Statista is a database that includes global data and business intelligence content with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries. It’s an excellent starting point for finding statistics about consumer attitudes …Continue Reading
Endnote Basics Workshop
Available Friday, December 13, 9AM-10AM. Register here. In this class, we will cover the basics of using EndNote software to manage your paper or article references. This will include setting up your library, adding references, creating citations in Microsoft Word and some …Continue Reading
Open Access (OA) Week
Post written by Jason Boczar During the last full week of October each year, members of the research community come together for Open Access Week. Open Access Week is a time to look at the future and, in order to maintain its …Continue Reading
Workshops for Researchers in November
Some of the workshops education faculty and students may be interested in include: SPSS Intermediate, Monday November 4, 10-11 AM. Click here to register. NVivo for Qualitative Analysis: Advanced, Wednesday, November 6, 12:30-2:00 PM. Click here to register. Semantic Scholar: Intro to …Continue Reading
Guide to Open Access Research
USF Librarians have created a new guide to open access research. This guide points alumni and community users to quality open access research sites should they wish to continue doing research once they leave the academy. It includes links to digital repositories …Continue Reading