Category: Technology Matters

Websites use URLs to Track You

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This article  by Brook Cagle, from Popular Science gives you some tips on how to stop being tracked when you visit Websites. The article describes how tracking URLs work and how to stop them in Firefox, which has a tracking URL blocker …Continue Reading

Workshops for Researchers in March

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Check out the latest offerings of library-sponsored workshops for researchers. They include applications such as Python, Photoshop, Illustrator, Endnote, and more.

Linked-In Learning

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Linked-in Learning offers tutorials on software applications that can help you or your students whether it is accessing a tutorial about Teams orientation, Adobe Photoshop applications, Articulate Storyline, and more. You can browse the list of topics and applications here. You can …Continue Reading

Workshops for Researchers

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This spring the USF Libraries will be offering a host of new online workshops for researchers. To browse the list, click here.  Some of these workshops focus on software applications for researchers such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Zotero, Endnote, StoryMaps,  and more.  For …Continue Reading

USF Libraries Workshops for Researchers

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The USF Libraries has launched a series of virtual research workshops for faculty and graduate students featuring such topics as introduction to citation management tools (Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote), journal metrics and rankings for the sciences, conducting legal research, developing and maintaining your …Continue Reading

Library Numbers and USF ID Cards

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The USF ID card is important for all new students to acquire whether they come to campus or not, because it has an important number on it which is a patron’s “library empowerment” number. It is a 14 digit number starting with …Continue Reading

The SAGE Video Education Collection

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USF Libraries just signed a contract for the SAGE Video Education Collection in August. These videos offer content about teaching and learning topics ranging from early childhood education to educational leadership, discussing how to apply theory to practice. Much of the material …Continue Reading

Why Use Specialized Subject Article Databases?

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In a recent, short video tutorial, we compare large, comprehensive search tools like FindIt with subject specific, specialized databases, outlining the advantages that specialized tools have over large, multidisciplinary ones. Even though you get more hits using larger databases, bigger isn’t always …Continue Reading

Technology Support with LinkedIn Learning

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USF students and instructors who create a LinkedIn account have free access to all of the LinkedIn Learning catalog (previously  This catalog consists of instructional content for software programs like Excel and Photoshop, concepts like copyright, and skills like career management …Continue Reading