Harnessing Generative AI for Your Academic Research: A Look at Semantic Scholar and Associated Toolsets

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This post was guest authored by Evan Fruehauf, Assistant Librarian 

Digital image of researchers using computers and AI tools for literature review
Researchers using AI tools to enhance their literature review process. Created with OpenAI. (2024, July 15). Prompt: ‘Fun and animated 2D style illustration with thick lines and cell shading, showing student researchers using computers for literature review in an academic library.’ DALL-E via chatGPT.

In the evolving landscape of academic research, generative AI tools are becoming increasingly useful to everyday researchers. They offer innovative ways to streamline literature reviews, generate insights, and assist researchers at every stage of their work. One standout tool in this domain is Semantic Scholar, which has been widely adopted by students and academics alike. In this article, we’ll explore how Semantic Scholar, along with tools like Elicit and ResearchRabbit, revolutionizes the research process.  

The Power of Semantic Scholar  

Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, developed at the Allen Institute for AI. Its primary goal is to help researchers find the most relevant information quickly and efficiently. By leveraging machine learning and a large language model (LLM), Semantic Scholar can understand the context of your search queries and provide more precise results compared to traditional search engines. 

Key Features of Semantic Scholar: 

  • Semantic Search: Unlike keyword-based searches, Semantic Scholar uses AI to understand the meaning behind your queries, offering more relevant and high-quality search results. 
  • Citation Graphs: Visualize how research papers are connected through citations, helping you trace the development of ideas and identify influential works. 
  • Paper Recommendations: Based on your search history and preferences, Semantic Scholar suggests relevant papers, ensuring you don’t miss out on critical research.

Enhancing Literature Reviews with Elicit 

Elicit is another powerful AI tool designed to augment the literature review process. It leverages Semantic Scholar’s database to provide a structured and efficient way to gather and synthesize research findings. By having a platform that reads the entire paper instead of just an abstract and keywords, you’ll find yourself identifying relevant papers much faster.  

How Elicit Complements Semantic Scholar: 

  • Research Question Decomposition: Elicit breaks down complex research questions into manageable sub-questions, guiding you to relevant literature. 
  • Evidence Aggregation: It helps aggregate evidence from multiple sources, providing a comprehensive view of the research landscape. 
  • Interactive Reports: Create dynamic reports that update as new research is published, keeping your literature review current. 

Discovering Connections with ResearchRabbit 

ResearchRabbit is designed to uncover connections between research papers that might not be immediately apparent. By integrating with platforms like Semantic Scholar, ResearchRabbit enhances your ability to discover relevant literature. 

Unique Features of ResearchRabbit: 

  • Interactive Graphs: Visualize connections between papers, authors, and concepts, revealing hidden relationships and trends in your field of study. 
  • Custom Feeds: Set up custom feeds based on your research interests, receiving updates on new papers and emerging topics. 
  • Collaborative Tools: Share your research graphs and findings with colleagues, facilitating collaboration and collective knowledge building.

Generative AI tools like Semantic Scholar, Elicit, and ResearchRabbit are transforming the way researchers conduct literature reviews and synthesize information. By leveraging these tools, you can further streamline your research process, discover new connections, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field. Don’t miss the opportunity to get hands-on experience with these powerful tools at our upcoming workshop this fall!  

More information on Semantic Scholar, Elicit ,and ResearchRabbit can be found on their respective websites.  Information on generative AI and other AI assisted research tools can be found on the Libraries’ AI Tools and Resources guide. 

Upcoming Workshop – Semantic Scholar: Intro to AI Powered Literature Review 

Excited to explore these tools further? Join us this fall for a hands-on workshop on Semantic Scholar. This session will provide in-depth training on using Semantic Scholar’s features effectively, along with practical tips on integrating it with tools like Elicit and ResearchRabbit. Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a student just starting out, this workshop is designed to enhance your research capabilities. 

Visit the library Workshops for Researchers calendar to get signed up for the workshop. 

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