Category: Awards & Recognition

Up and Comer, Meghan Cook

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Meghan Cook has been a friendly face in the USF Tampa Library since 2018, where she makes up half of the Geosciences Research Platform Team (RPT). As the subject expert for Geosciences, she and her fellow RPT teammate, Matt Torrence, provide support …Continue Reading

Tomaro Taylor Promoted to University Librarian

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The role of University Librarian is the pinnacle of a librarian’s career, an ascension to the highest level of faculty on a university campus. Tomaro Taylor’s accomplishments, efforts, and body of work have contributed substantially to the betterment of the USF Libraries and to the profession, and being named University Librarian is well deserved.

SACS Appoints USF Libraries Dean for Library Accreditation Review

Todd Chavez, Dean of the USF Libraries, has been selected to serve on the SACSCOC
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For higher education institutions, accreditation is crucial. In the U.S. southern states, SACSCOC is the recognized accrediting agency, with responsibility for carrying out the process. In Fall 2019, USF Libraries Dean Todd Chavez will be serving on the SACSCOC for library accreditation. He’ll be visiting two university libraries, reviewing each library’s resources, services, and staff to ensure sufficiency.

USF Libraries Copyright & Intellectual Property Librarian Awarded Prestigious Publication Award

LeEtta Schmidt has been awarded the first-ever RUSA STARS Publication Recognition Award for her co-authorship about sharing digital collections and content
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The RUSA STARS Publication Recognition Award celebrates librarians that show excellence in publication in STARS areas. LeEtta is being recognized for a chapter she co-authored with J. Silvia Cho, “Sharing Digital Collections and Content.”