Happy 50th, USF Tampa Library!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the USF Tampa Library; celebrate with us through an immersive digital exhibit!
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A lot can happen in half a century and the story of the Tampa library is a direct reflection of the changes in our community.

What began as a couple of stacks of books in the Allen building is now a seven-story heart of campus, dedicated to advancing student and faculty success.

In celebration, our Special Collections team has created an immersive digital exhibit detailing the history of the Tampa library. 

Some highlights:

  • The USF library was the first operational unit on campus. At the time, in 1959, it was in “the little house” now occupied by the University Police.
  • USF President Allen’s initial plans for the first library building (now part of the Student Services building) included a listening room where “in a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere a person may hear good music played continually on high-fidelity equipment [turntable].”
  • The current library building opened for fall session, September 15, 1975. One staff member noted, “Many of us were convinced that we would never find our way around the building…it was so big compared to what we were used to. Even the faculty was concerned about finding their way out.”
  • Influential anthropologist Margaret Mead spoke at the dedication of the current library on March 6, 1976.

Of course, the history of the building also includes some interesting times and lots of interesting people, so take some time to explore the exhibit. The library houses many stories but also has its own!

We look forward to continuing to serve the students and faculty of USF’s Tampa Library for the next 50 years to come!

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