The Sage Premier journal package is one of our largest journal packages, boasting 1,104 titles. Its journals include peer-reviewed, high impact titles in humanities, social sciences, and STEM disciplines. Currently, this package grants USF Libraries access to content published from 1999 to present, where available. USF has perpetual access to all Sage Premier titles.
The term “perpetual access” means that ”USF Libraries acquired the right to permanently provide access to the electronic resource. The title will never be withdrawn” from the Libraries’ catalog and access to that material will not be cancelled for the materials acquired during the subscription period. – See Glossary of Textbook Affordability Terms, USF Textbook Affordability Project
USF Libraries purchased Sage’s journal backfiles in 2012 through a USF Student Tech fee, but since that time, we have not had the funding to fill in newly published Sage backfiles. The USF Libraries own the purchased backfile content up through the 1998 volumes.
Sage started out predominantly as a social sciences publisher but began expanding into STEM fields in 2007, which increased the cost of their products significantly. In 2004, USF Libraries subscribed to six Sage subject packages: Communication Studies, Criminology, Education, Political Science & International Relations, Psychology, and Sociology. We expanded the subscription to Sage Premier in 2007, when it became available. The Sage Premier package includes nearly all of the journals published by Sage.
USF has perpetual access to the Sage titles that were in these packages during the years for which we had a subscription. However, over time, some titles have been bought from or sold to other publishers, thus changing the composition of our subscription base. As journal ownership changes hands among various publishers, existing perpetual access agreements are not universally honored, and some titles may lapse absent aggressive tracking and legal enforcement efforts beyond the capacity of academic libraries.