USF Libraries Digital Commons @ USF team is ready to go on the road to bring our expertise and services to you. Sessions are custom built to your needs and your timeframe including the topics that best address the needs of you and your faculty! To book a session now or next semester, or to offer your feedback, email

Make your selection of as many topics interest you and your colleagues. Topics include:

This module will provide information about what an author’s rights are as the creator of an academic manuscript. Additionally, what happens to those rights when signing over copyright to a publisher. We will look at what options are available to authors when publishing their research.

This module will provide an introduction to the tools and services for integrating digital collections into your courses. Learn about:
  • in-person and virtual instruction sessions guiding student on how to use our digital collections for research,
  • customized virtual primary source packets for your courses,
  • ideas and examples for how to use primary sources from Special Collections for teaching in history, the humanities, and science fields.

This module will give a quick overview of copyright basics before taking a closer look at how USF copyright policy, U.S. copyright law and its exemptions affect the classroom. Finally, we’ll take a look at resources and options that will help you:
  • find and use material without infringing,
  • answer questions about copyright,
  • help you make fair use and TEACH Act determinations, and

Openly licensing material by using license schemas such as Creative Commons is a way to more broadly share research, instructional materials, and creative works online. In this module, we’ll look at:
  • finding and using openly licensed content,
  • selecting an open license for your work,
  • what makes an Open Educational Resource
  • give you avenues to making and using open educational resources in your classroom.

Data management is an integral part of the research process. Required by many granting agencies, researchers should have an understanding of data management. In this module, we’ll look at:
  • the importance of a data management plan
  • where can you deposit data sets, and
  • what services the USF Library offers to researchers.

Open access provides a way to increase scholarly impact by keeping articles free of paywalls. The USF Libraries has many ways to support researchers and open access. We’ll learn about:
  • the different types of open access,
  • how the institutional repository, Digital Commons @ USF, can help support open access.

This module will give a quick introduction to the environment of open access publishing, the different types of open access, and how authors and creators can release their work more openly using Creative Commons licneses and/or depositing their work in the Institutional Repository.

Learn about the more than 70,000 resources in USF Libraries’ Digital Collections on Digital Commons and methods for using these items in your research or curriculum. This module will address:
  • how to search collections and metadata records,
  • using digital collection for your research,
  • services and ideas for integrating materials into your courses, and
  • how to recommend, or contribute to, new collections.