Press Coverage

  • What’s next for Tampa’s historic buildings?

    May 11, 2021 - 83 Degrees Media - Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

    Historic buildings in the Tampa Bay Area are experiencing a renaissance as new investors dive into the process of restoration and renovation that promises a whole new purpose. Several projects in the Tampa area are seeing old, long-vacant properties being reimagined as new beacons of residential, commercial, and educational opportunity.

  • ACRL Member of the Week: Kaya van Beynen

    May 10, 2021 - ACRL - Gena Parsons-Diamond

    ACRL Member of the week, Kaya van Beynen is the Associate Dean of the USF Libraries Research & Instruction and for the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at University of South Florida Saint Petersburg campus answers questions on their leadership style and current initiatives. Kaya has been a member of ACRL for 18 years and is your ACRL Member of the Week for May 10, 2021.

  • USF researcher visualizes discovery of oldest human burial in Africa made by international team of scientists

    May 5, 2021 - USF News

    An international team of scientists has uncovered the earliest modern human burial in Africa – changing what we know about social behaviors in Homo sapiens ­- and researcher Jorge González García at the University of South Florida Libraries' Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections has helped use 3D and advanced imaging technologies to bring the 78,000-year-old remains of a child back to life.

  • USF researcher visualizes discovery of oldest human burial in Africa made by international team of scientists

    May 5, 2021 - Mirage News

    An international team of scientists has uncovered the earliest modern human burial in Africa – changing what we know about social behaviors in Homo sapiens ­- and researcher Jorge González García at the University of South Florida Libraries' Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections has helped use 3D and advanced imaging technologies to bring the 78,000-year-old remains of a child back to life.

  • A Conversation with Tampa Bay Historian Andy Huse

    May 5, 2021 - Florida Book Club

    There’s a long tradition of making cheesy promotional videos to lure people to Tampa Bay area. One of them, from the 1960s, even features an alien visitor who decides to relocate to St. Pete Beach after seeing all the dazzling attractions the town has to offer! Host Christopher Nank is joined by Andy Huse, Special Collections Librarian at University of South Florida, to discuss these old promotional films and a bit of Tampa Bay culinary history about the Cuban sandwich.