Category: Belonging and Equitable Access

The Sociedad La Union Marti-Maceo Collection Now Preserved Through Digitization

USF Libraries Special Collections and Digital Collections combine efforts to digitize the valuable Sociedad La Union Marti-Maceo Collection.
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Great news, this valuable collection is now digitized and online, thanks to efforts by USF Libraries Special Collections and Digital Collections! The Sociedad la Union Marti-Maceo collection first arrived at USF in 1983, and features records of the Afro-Cuban mutual aid society’s organizational …Continue Reading

The Lue Gim Gong Collection: A New Digital Collection

USF Libraries Digital Collections and Special Collections are proud to announce the complete digitization of The Lue Him Gong Collection, now online.
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The USF Libraries Digital Collections and Special Collections are proud to announce that The Lue Gim Gong Collection is now fully digitized and online. This popular collection has been cited extensively in local history publications and sheds light on issues related to …Continue Reading

Spotlight: The African American Experience in Florida 

Recent collections, archives & projects highlighting local Black history & heritage
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An initiative of USF Libraries’ Special Collections, The African American Experience in Florida (AAE), is an online portal containing materials and archives from Black communities, individuals, and businesses. The portal aims to help students, educators, researchers, and the public learn about Black …Continue Reading

Juneteenth Reading List

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Juneteenth celebrates the day in 1865 when enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, became aware of the Emancipation Proclamation and the freedom that came with that executive order. In observance of this important historic event, the DEI committee has compiled a list of …Continue Reading

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), marks the day that Auschwitz-Birkenau – the largest Nazi death camp – was liberated in 1945. It seeks to remember the lives of the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, along …Continue Reading

Emily Mann Receives USF Inclusive Excellence Faculty Award

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The USF Libraries are pleased to share that Emily Mann, Assistant Librarian at the USF Nelson Poynter Memorial Library (NPML), has been selected for the 2022 Inclusive Excellence Faculty Award from the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at USF. The Inclusive …Continue Reading

Diversify Your Syllabi

How our librarians are supporting the Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogy Faculty Learning Community
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What makes an authority on a topic? How do we balance diverse voices with the canon from an academic discipline? Are we perpetuating systems of oppression with the texts we choose?  These thought-provoking questions and more were discussed in depth during a …Continue Reading

Special Collections Digital Exhibits Examine Gender & Sexuality in the Archives

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Gender and sexuality studies are a popular analytical framework in the humanities, social science, and history fields. USF students and faculty are pursing innovative research on how these topics intersect across a multitude of subjects, and to support them, the USF Libraries …Continue Reading