Statement on Harmful Language

Our records may contain harmful language:

The University of South Florida (USF) Libraries collections are made up of monographs, periodicals, journals, manuscripts, audio and video, photos, and other materials accessible via the USF Libraries catalog and related platforms. Our catalog also is connected and gives access to University and College libraries across the state. By the uncensored management of these collections, some of the materials here for research and scholarship may be graphic, or reflect biases that do not indicate the opinions and values of USF Libraries.

You may find examples of harmful language in titles, subtitles, or other information transcribed directly from library materials. The USF Libraries does not censor original content that now provides historical context for understanding the era, attitudes, and opinions of its creators. Older records may contain language that was used and/or accepted historically but is recognized widely as offensive today. The libraries’ collections include historical sources and scholarship from many cultures and time periods, and the content or its descriptions may be graphic or reflect biases. In some cases, the language may conflict with strongly held cultural values, beliefs, or restrictions. We provide access to these materials to preserve the historical record, but we do not endorse the attitudes, prejudices, or behaviors found within them.

The University of South Florida Libraries, embraces USF’s values of cultural and ethnic diversity and global understanding. USF is committed to an academic community of free inquiry not limited by race, ethnicity, veteran status, marital status, socioeconomic level, national origin, religious belief, physical ability, sexual orientation, age, class, political ideology, or gender identity and expression. It recognizes the benefits of uniqueness, similarities, and differences.

We encourage you to peruse our collections with care, consideration, and critical thinking.