Please add a new tab to the study room website for Jessica and Draper in S/M, similar to the Tampa and St. Pete options. They would like to have this link added and the following instructions…
USF Libraries provide a variety of study spaces for your needs. Some study rooms are first-come, first-served while others are available by reservation. Below are options and reservation instructions by campus.Tampa Library Study Rooms:
View all available study rooms- Individual Study Rooms are located on multiple floors of the library with a maximum of two people per room.
- Group Study rooms are located on various floors of the library. These rooms require a minimum of two people to be present for the reservation but can allow up to four people in the space. Please note. Group Study Rooms on the 5th floor cannot exceed two people during a reservation.
- Study Rooms are not soundproof. Noise must be kept to a minimum and the 5th floor is designated for silent studying. You may be asked to relocate if noise volume causes a disturbance.
To Reserve:
- For a specific room, click on a room number to see available times.
- Pick up your Study Room key at the 1st floor Library Services Desk with the minimum number of group members required for the space.
- If you cancel your reservation, you will not be charged a fee.
- For reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact Loryn Ragsdale at
St. Petersburg Library Study Rooms:
- Study rooms are available for use by USF students, faculty, and staff by reservation only.
- Six small (maximum four people) and six large (maximum six people).
- Larger rooms are intended for group work; a single occupant can be required to cede usage to a group if asked to do so by library staff.
- Rooms are not soundproof. Noise must be kept to a minimum to not disturb others.
- 2nd floor is the quiet area for studying alone or working with others. No loud noises, music, or socializing.
- 3rd floor is the silent floor for people wishing to study alone. Please no cell phones, conversations, noisy food, or group work permitted.
To Reserve:
Pick up your study room key at the 1st floor Library Services Desk with your group members. For reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact Christine Dunleavy at Library Study Rooms:
Click on any available date and time to make a 2-hour room reservation.
- Preference is given to groups working collaboratively.
- You may book the room up to two weeks in advance.
- If you cancel your reservation, you will not be charged a fee.
For reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact Jessica Szempruch at or Draper Harris at