More from Library Student Success Instruction

Tampa campus: Library Student Success
The Library Research and Instruction unit on the USF Tampa campus drives faculty, graduate and undergraduate student success through partnerships with key stakeholders to provide information literacy instruction, research support, and strategic outreach culminating in collaborative, impactful services and research discovery.
Online Workshops
Our undergraduate library instruction program is informed by USF’s Enhanced General Education curriculum and is focused on delivering online learning modules that can supplement any lower or upper level undergraduate course with a research component. When we return to campus, this program will also extend to scheduled, face-to-face workshops that students can attend outside of their regular class time. Our collection of online video tutorials can also supplement your course, allowing you to select the perfect short video(s) that address the needs of your research assignment. Whether online or in person, students who participate will earn badges to demonstrate completion and competency.
View All WorkshopsRequest Instruction
Faculty and instructors engaged in teaching capstone, seminar, and graduate courses are invited to work with our instruction team to schedule on-demand instruction using our instruction request form:
request instructionRequest a Research Consultation
Meet online with a librarian for in-depth research assistance. Research Consultations are available, by appointment Monday-Friday, for USF undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff. Consultations with a USF librarian will be conducted online using either Blackboard Collaborate Ultra or Microsoft Teams.
Schedule research consultations at least 3 business days in advance.