Fine Amounts Quick Reference
Material Type | Fine |
Circulating Books / UBorrow, InterLibrary Loan, DVDs / Videos, Scores, CDs | Late fines are no longer assessed for these items. If not returned within 45 days past the due date an item will be designated “lost”. Users will be charged a replacement fee and a hold will be placed on their account. When a lost item is returned, the fee will be removed and borrowing rights restored for affiliated users. |
General Reserves (3-hours, 1,3,7-day loans) | $5/hour with a $25 maximum. Item considered lost after 5 hours (full value of book due +fines) 3 hour reserves are overdue after 15 minutes. |
Laptops | $10/hour After 5 hours laptop billed as lost with a $20 non-refundable processing fee. |
Group Study Room Keys | Fine for overdue room keys is $5.00 / hour. Maximum $25.00 overdue fine. Fee for a lost key is $100 |
Recall Fines
After 3 weeks, all books are subject to recall. If a book is recalled, recall due dates supersede the original due date. FINES ARE BASED ON THE RECALL DUE DATE. Recall fee is $.50 per day, IN ADDITION TO ANY REGULAR FINES.Lost Materials
You are responsible for lost material replacement costs. To avoid additional fine accrual, report any lost materials at our online lost item declaration form. Failure to return or renew overdue materials also results in their being deemed “lost” and billed to you. Whether declared lost or deemed “lost” by default, you will be billed replacement costs for the item and/or any applicable transaction fees or fines.Dispute a Fine
- To dispute a fine, please fill out this form »
- For St. Petersburg campus fines, email your questions here »
Payment of Library Fines
Payments made online to USF Student Self-Service/Banner accounts cannot be specifically designated to pay library fines. If you wish to ensure a payment is applied directly to a library fine balance, payments can be made in one of the following ways with a request that the payment be designated for library fines:- Pay the fine in person at the Cashier’s office (SVC 1038).
- Tampa campus: SVC 1038
- St. Petersburg campus: BAY 132
- Send payment to the Cashier’s office by mail with a copy of the library invoice.