About Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan service (ILL) provides current USF students, staff and faculty with materials from the USF libraries and from other libraries. This includes transferring materials between USF libraries, and obtaining materials from other libraries all over the United States and internationally.

The USF Libraries interlibrary loan service works according to the principles of the American Library Association’s Interlibrary loan code for the United States, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ Principles and Guidelines for International Resource Sharing and Document Delivery, and many local and regional agreements to borrow materials from other libraries for the research needs of USF students, staff and faculty as well as lend USF materials to other libraries for the use of their researchers.

The service is provided for free to USF students, staff and faculty except in the rare instances when material can only be obtained by commercial or archival vendors who charge more than $50 (view policy).

Interlibrary loan requested titles are evaluated for purchase and permanent addition to the USF Libraries collection. Most requests interlibrary loan are processed through OCLC Worldcat, a database that allows us to search library collections from all over the world. The USF libraries are also a participant of RAPID ILL, a system developed by the Colorado State University to enable expedited delivery of articles for library members.

ILL Department on the USF Tampa campus

USF Tampa campus interlibrary loan staff process requests using the request management system, ILLiad. Though material delivery times depend on lending libraries, interlibrary loan staff are constantly improving processes to speed request turn-over.

The USF Tampa campus library ILL office is located on the 6th floor of the library: LIB627E. We are open from 8am to 5pm on Monday through Friday during days the library is open. Please feel free to stop by, call or email us with any questions.

BeverlynHarris-Johnson813-974-2515Library Specialistbhjohnson@usf.eduLIB103
SandraLaw813-974-1607Library Supervisorsklaw@usf.eduLIB103
ParnellTalley, Jr813-974-3847Coordinator, Library Operationsptalleyjr@usf.eduLIB 627E
KahelinDonna813-974-6793ILL Coordinatordkahelin@usf.eduLIB 627

ILL Services on the USF St. Petersburg campus

The USF St. Petersburg campus library ILL office is located on the second floor of the library, POY 213. We are open from 9am to 5pm on Monday through Friday during days when the library is open. For assistance please feel free to contact staff at (727) 873-4405 or email us (insert hyperlink stp-ill@usf.edu) with your questions.

Library Specialist kmitchell1@usf.eduPOY213

ILL Services on the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus

USF students and faculty can pick up their material ordered through ILL at the Information Commons Resource Desk, C203. The resource desk hours are currently Monday through Thursday 9am-5pm. Email: sar-infocommons@usf.edu, or call at: 941-359-4225