Message sent from Todd Chavez, Dean of USF Libraries, to the Libraries’ faculty members.
USF is facing an unprecedented series of budgetary challenges that will play out over a two-year period. The total two year recurring realignment process to our collections budget approaches $2 million. This level of change requires an aggressive response that must include cancellations of content in all disciplines, judicious retention of core/high use resources, and utilization of alternative information sources, all coupled with a robust strategy to continue to meet faculty needs to the greatest extent possible.
Todd Chavez is calling for nominations (self-nominations are welcome) for library faculty to serve on a USF Libraries Collections Advisory Group with the following charge:
The Collections Advisory Group is charged with advising the Dean of the USF Libraries on strategies to be employed to manage the Libraries’ collections during 2020-22. Activities include:
- drafting a “USF Libraries Compact with the Faculty” document that clearly describes the libraries’ commitment to supporting our faculty’s needs by any means available;
- collaborating with the leadership of Collections & Discovery to develop principles to guide reduction/retention decisions;
- collaborating with C&D and library leadership to develop a robust communication strategy that ensures transparency to all constituents, internal and external;
- advising all relevant functional areas on processes designed to meet faculty resource needs; and
- recommending, and subsequently implementing, an approved assessment strategy to ensure high-quality in those services developed to meet faculty resource needs.
Members of the CAG will be asked to meet regularly with C&D leadership and the Dean and should anticipate a significant time investment in the early phases of the collection review process, perhaps as much as 8-10 hours per week. Members of the group will participate with the Dean in presentations, email communications, and other activities as needed to ensure full transparency to the University community; this may include periodic meetings with senior University leadership, the USF Faculty Senate, and the Faculty Senate’s Library Council. Please send nominations, including self-nominations, directly to me no later than the end of business on Monday, October 26. The short deadline is needed so that the group leader can join in a meeting with UCM and other parties concerning budget realignment messaging on October 29.
Email from Dean Todd Chavez to all USF Libraries faculty, 10/21/2020