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The Eighth Annual Dissertation Forum
February 22, 2019, 8AM – 4PM
Sponsored by the Writing Studio, the USF Libraries, and the Office of Graduate StudiesWhat is the Dissertation Forum?
This 1-day event will inform you of resources and services for doctoral candidates who are currently working on prospectuses or dissertations. Sessions include information about conducting research, writing strategies, research tools, stress management and advice from recently hired assistant professors.
Welcome and Introductions
Meet the Dean of the USF Tampa Libraries, Associate Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies, Director of Library Liaison Services and subject librarians, and the Coordinator of the Writing Studio.
Lightning Rounds
These brief sessions will introduce you to apps and services that will make your life easier during the research and writing process. After this introduction, you will be able to determine which apps and services you would like to know more about, who to contact to obtain individual assistance, and where to register for more advanced training workshops.
New Faculty Panel and Q & A
Newly hired faculty members who recently went through the dissertation process will provide candid advice about planning and meeting your goals, practicing flexibility and patience with topic changes, research difficulties, and managing dissertation committee challenges.
Drop-in to workshops that will meet your needs and focus on informing you about the use of research tools, research and writing skills, use of media, publishing, legal issues, and other important aspects of the dissertation process.
Grace Allen Room, Library 4th floor.
The $10.00 registration fee covers the cost of food.
8:00 – 9:00 | Registration and Breakfast |
9:00 – 9:10 | Welcome Dean of the USF Tampa Libraries and Associate Librarian and Chair of the Dissertation Forum Committee |
9:10 – 9:30 | What Dissertators Should Know About the Office of Graduate Studies Associate Dean, Office of Graduate Studies |
9:30 – 9:40 | Library Services & Library Liaisons Director of Library Liaison Services, USF Tampa Libraries |
9:40 – 9:50 | Writing Studio & Mentors Coordinator, USF Writing Studio |
9:50 – 10:05 | Break |
10:05 – 11:30 | Faculty Panel Panelists include faculty from History, Geosciences, Education, English and Honors. |
11:30 – 1:00 | Lunch on your own Bring your lunch or eat on campus: |
1:00 – 2:00 | Lightning Rounds
2:10 – 2:55 | Workshops
3:05 – 4:00 | Workshops