Broader Impacts


USF Libraries Broader Impacts Team (BIT) collaborates with faculty and university research support units to improve the impact and success of grant proposals. Starting with the core services in the menu below, the BIT will coordinate Libraries’ services and expertise to find custom solutions that will enhance the impact of and public engagement with research projects.

We ask that faculty partners wishing to include the USF Libraries in their grant projects schedule a meeting with us ( to discuss the full scope of the proposed project in advance of adding library personnel or services to a grant.

BIT services are divided up in to two tiers.

  • Tier 1 incorporates services currently included in the USF Libraries’ service portfolio and accessed through an initial comprehensive consult and referral program.
  • Tier 2 services expand current offerings to include in-depth support and partnership opportunities to USF faculty and researchers including the Libraries in their grant budget proposals.

Service Categories

The USF Libraries Copyright Services can provide researchers with customized and in-depth consultations on rights management of research products, license selection to increase the reach and reuse of research, as well as utilization of copyrighted material within research and grant projects.
Tier I: Customized consultation on rights management and permissions seeking as well as introductory workshops for project teams. Tier II: Location of rights holders and permissions requesting, copyright registration, drafting permissions releases, specialized training for project personnel.

Digital Collections provides bespoke collection structures designed to support a positive user experience with the highest level of digital preservation standards to meet the needs of granting agencies.
Tier I: Small scale digitization or reformatting of objects (under 500 objects) in-house using standard equipment including metadata support, transcription, and editing; development of basic Digital Commons collections. Tier II: Large scale digitization or reformatting (over 500 objects), and/or the requirement to outsource or use specialized equipment.

USF Libraries Digital Collections supports faculty creation of multimodal digital pedagogy projects leveraging primary sources. Whether those sources originate in the USF Archives or from faculty research, the team can support faculty through project planning and management of innovative user interface development that enhances engagement with materials.
Tier I: Consulting, reviewing and planning digital projects or exhibitions; Exhibit creation related to library strategic areas; Support for use of digital exhibit platforms. Tier II: Bespoke training programs; Multimodal resource hubs and website interfaces; Requirements for products in under 3 months.

The Geospatial Collections Team can help faculty with the translation and analysis of research data via GIS software for enhanced project development as well as engaging user interactions.
Tier I: GIS software orientation; basic project development and organization; data acquisition consultations. Tier II: Cartographic production and data visualization; geospatial data analysis and processing; interactive GIS application development and consultation.

For USF affiliated researchers, Digital Commons offers a platform to host published materials, including textbooks, monographs, journals and OERs. The increased impact of openly archived research products can be easily tracked through Digital Commons search indexing and altmetrics.
Tier I: Platform hosting (i.e. Digital Commons), DOI registration, and ISBN registration. Tier II: Copy editing, layout, and monograph indexing.

The USF Libraries Oral History Program (OHP) is home to more than thirty oral history collections with hundreds of interviews. The OHP provides customizable services to improve access and use of OH projects and enhance user experience.
Tier I: Consultation, ingesting faculty-completed oral history projects, rights releases; or assistance with editing and transcription of up to 20 recordings with a modest delivery date, data storage, and preservation needs. Tier II: Collections with over 20 items; bespoke training programs; delivery requirements under 3 months.

Analyzing, visualizing, and managing data are key considerations for any research project and may be foundational requirements for grants. Research data management services include the organization and storage of research data for public consumption.
Tier I: Small to moderate scale data storage (under 5TB) and data management planning in line with best practices. Identification of disciplinary specific data sources and indicators, selection of analysis and visualization tools. Tier II: Data consulting services, including visualization platforms such as Tableau and statistical analysis with tools such as python and R.

Additional Services

Access to USF Libraries Collections

Please be advised that the electronic collections available through the University of South Florida Libraries are accessible to authorized users only, typically defined as current USF students, faculty, and staff per our vendor license agreements. The USF Libraries pay for these resources based on head count, though anyone is free to come into the Tampa campus library (as a “walk-in user”) to use a publicly accessible computer to access our resources. Providing remote access to the collections to non-USF personnel violates our contractual agreements. Please see our page on Library Resources User Terms for more information. If you are writing a grant that requires access for co-PIs at another institution to access the collections, it is the responsibility of the academic department to set the individuals up as Courtesy Faculty at USF in order to provide such access. Please refer to USF policy ISSP-019 for more information on levels of access per category of faculty. Additionally, the USF Libraries so that we know the language of what has been promised. Questions should be addressed to Carol Ann Borchert, Associate Dean for Collections & Discovery, at

Collection Analysis Services

If your grant requires an analysis of a subset of our collections, please contact Carol Ann Borchert, Associate Dean for Collections & Discovery, at The USF Libraries require 4 business days’ notice to provide collection analyses. Please include a detailed explanation of the scope of the proposed project, along with the instructions for that section of the writeup. Information about or links to peer library collections and samples of successful projects with similar collection areas are also helpful. If you need additional collections or resources purchased once the grant is awarded, please provide a list of what is required and information on the funding source(s) to support that area of collection development.

Research Consultations

  Meet with a librarian, curator, or research expert to find the most useful sources, get started in the library, explore special collections, or advance your research.

Scholarly Communications

  The Scholarly Communications team supports USF faculty and graduate student research productivity and enhances the impact of that effort across the global research landscape.

Digital Commons @ USF

  Digital Commons at USF hosts faculty research, conferences, open access journals and textbooks, as well as Digital Collections

Data Management Planning

  The Data Management team offers consultations on many aspects of data management planning.