Your Role
Why YOU are Essential to the Toolkit
As research becomes increasingly globalized, and organizations embrace internationalization goals, there is a critical need for robust programming and dedicated training that addresses the unique challenges associated with global research activities – in both collaborative and individual settings. Many resources exist, but there is no common platform for sharing institutional knowledge, strategies, and examples of best practices. Resource limitations, infrastructure constraints, compartmentalized functions and knowledge, and/or cultural and institutional barriers can further complicate the work of a research administrator operating in a global context. Research administration professionals are exceptionally versatile and have many tools in their toolboxes already – but imagine having access to an even larger set of tried and trusted methods and materials that have been vetted and contributed by peers. Join our conversation and help to build a world-class resource!
The Global Research Toolkit provides an online platform for educating and informing members of the research community about how to develop, implement, and sustain a successful international research ecosystem. The content of the Toolkit is organized around key themes and strategies for international project success. The goal is to equip research and development administrators with information and access to a forum for strengthening their skill set and contributing to the capacity building of others. The ability to share ideas, innovations, and strategies is especially important. The Toolkit is not a universal “how-to” of international research administration. Rather, the goal is to give institutions from around the world resources for successfully navigating international research endeavors. We recognize that there exists no universal solution to ease cross-border collaboration, but together we can build a world-class resource.
What are we looking for? Consider contributing:
- Examples of Best Practices
- Templates, Checklists, Forms, Worksheets, and/or other such Tools
- Examples of Policy or Procedure (or guidelines)
- Internet Resource(s) and/or Links
- Case Studies
- Examples of what has worked and what has not worked for your institution – send us a video or a testimonial
If you have “lessons learned” to share, this is a good form to complete and send back to us through the “Contact Us” page.
You are cordially invited to contribute to the development of an online toolkit designed to support international research project management. Please explore the modules found below and leave comments suggesting what you would like to see or what you have to contribute. You can also share resources by contacting us and uploading files through the relevant menu tab.